Office Hours

Mon - Sat 11am to 11pm

Sun -12pm to 6pm




process while you wait/drop off

Preparation of Personal & Corporate Tax Returns * E-File Available * Accounting Services * Corporate Accounting * Payroll Services * Sales Tax Filing * Set Up & Manage Corporations.

Checklist/Instructions For Mailing or E-mailing your Documents to us.

Returning Client's Send:

Let us know of any changes and filing status.

Dependents, add or delete from your tax return.

Send all 1099-misc forms.

Tax Prep Fees paid last year.

Spouses E-mail if filing Married Filing Joint.

New Clients:

A copy of your last years income tax return.

All Clients:

Send us all your tax documents, but not limited to:

Send All portions of your W-2's except for the copy that says "Employee Copy"

Send all 1099-misc forms.

Mortgage, Refinanced, Property Tax:

Send all 1098-Mortgage Interest forms - (Interest you paid on your home from each bank). for each property separately.

A Copy of your Property Tax Statement or write down the amount of Property Tax you paid last year for each property.

Those who have purchased or refinanced, please send a copy of your Final HUD I (final closing cost statement).

Stocks, Bonds, Investments:

Send all 1099-INTEREST, 1099-DIVIDEND & 1099-R (Barter & Exchange) Stocks & Bonds Forms.

Any K1's received.

* If you DID NOT receive a 1099 form, but interest is less then $10.00, send me the exact amount received from each bank.

It can be found on either the Jan or Dec bank statement. (Which you could send as well).

Unemployment and Gambling:

Send any 1099-G Unemployment Forms.

Send W2-G Gambling Forms.

Vehicle Information:

Write down amounts paid for each individual DMV Registration.

Vehicles used for business, write down year, make and model, and total miles driven the year the taxes are being done and let me know how many miles are for business purposes only.

Itemizing Deduction's:

(Employment-Related Expenses Not covered by Employer)

Tax Prep Fees Paid Last Year                 

Cellular Phone                 

Internet Costs



Rental Property (Separately)

Property Taxes                                       


Cost of Repairs

Union Dues                                     

Business Phone            

Continuing Education

Professional Journals/Subscriptions      

Professional License Fees

Income Received

Home Owners Insurance                         

Property Mang Statement

Supply's Paid

Safe Deposit Box                                   

Training Expense            

Laundry & Cleaning

Professional Tools                                   

1098 Mortgage Statement

HOA Dues

Any Other Expenses

Charitable Donations:

List the amounts donated to each house of worship, schools, etc. (Separately).

List the amount of non-cash donations made to the good will, etc.

Any donations greater then $500.00, such as a car, please send the appraisal document provided by that organization.

Send A Deposit Check:

Send a check in the amount of $100 for a deposit. It will serve as the account information needed where you're Refund Check will be directly deposited.

* Make check payable to John Vartanian, or Independent Tax, Real Estate and Mortgage Services, INC.

You can also send payment-using PAYPAL on Independent Tax, Real Estate & Mortgage Services, INC. web site on the payment page or directly to

(If you use this option, send a voided check for direct deposit purposes. IT WILL SPEED UP THE PROCESS).

What is The Process:

(Approximate time to complete a file is 1 to 2 weeks depending on when you send it in and thel evel of difficultly).

*Preferably before April 1st to make April 15th deadline.

1. We will you call you to let you know we received your file.

2. During the entering process the preparer may contact you with questions.

3. After the file has been completely entered with all missing info, you will be called to go over the results.

4. We will then either Fax or E-mail you the e-file forms (8879).

Which are to be signed and dated and send back Via   fax, E-mail or mailed back before we can submit your file.

5. For more complicated Income Tax Returns a copy of your entire return will be e-mailed to you for your review.

  • With the new IR approved CCH e-sign, a paperless secure signature, this will be available for 2015, to eliminate this tedious step. I will let you know the final costs so you can pay the balance. I will mail back to you a copy of your Income Tax Return with all supporting documents with any payment vouchers and or estimated tax vouchers.


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